
Brand Loyalty: A Deep Dive Into AMN Readership

While the overall readership numbers may appear small compared to other B2B digital brands, what makes AMN unique is its fiercely loyal and dedicated reader base and an exceptional click-through rate.


Drive Engagement & Build Community with Personification

Merriam-Webster defines personification as the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristic to something nonhuman. Here at Babcox, we implement personification by cultivating an authentic brand voice online, focusing on real relationships over vanity metrics, and proactively networking within our communities. 

email marketing

5 Ways Email Can Enhance Your Next Marketing Campaign

At Babcox Media, we see email marketing as a smart (and cost-effective!) way to augment any short or long-term marketing initiative. Here are 5 reasons why we think you should include email in your next marketing campaign.

Traditional vs. Digital Marketing

Digital vs. Traditional Marketing: What, Why, and How Effective?

Traditional marketing was marketing until the development of the Internet in the 90’s. Now, it’s a type of marketing. Digital marketing is also a type of marketing. The difference is that digital strategies and tactics change as the digital landscape evolves and broadens.


How to Make Sense of Audience Engagement Analytics

If you’re playing the content marketing game, your goal is engagement. It’s the moment when you move your potential customers from brand recognition to brand purchase; when you stop being just a logo and become a message that your audience wants to hear. Engagement analytics will let you know you’re on the right track, but what do those numbers mean?


Digital Solutions When Trade Shows Go Virtual

Marketers have always had the challenge of getting their message to the right audience, but now our jobs have become even harder. Most live trade shows and meetings have gone virtual. That means no booth visits, no live panels or product launches, and no dinners with our favorite or potential clients. So, how can we ensure our message is being heard?