market research illustration
Data & Research

Market Research is Crucial to Your Business’ Success

At Babcox Media, we recognize the indispensable role of market research in providing businesses with crucial insights into their target audience, competition, and the broader market dynamics. By addressing key questions surrounding “who, what, how, when, where, and why,” businesses can make informed decisions that pave the way for success.

Data & Research

Gas Prices

In the aftermarket, lots of parts and service sales depend on miles driven. While prices fell since their peak in early June, they are still causing pain at the pump.

Data & Research

Best-In-Class: A Look Inside Digital Reporting

Digital advertising is at an all time high. Here at Babcox Media, our digital reporting structure is unique and built specifically to meet our clients’ needs for prime digital ad optimization.

Covid consumer in sights
Data & Research

8 Covid-19 Consumer Insights Every Shop Owner Needs to Know

We asked consumers to describe their auto service experiences during the last year. Based off their responses, we’ve compiled 8 consumer insights we think all dealership and repair shop owners need to know to survive phase two of the pandemic.

Data & Research

Car Ownership vs. Ride-Sharing: Investigating Shifts in Auto Travel Attitudes

Continuing our series on consumer responses to the pandemic, we now dive deeper into the impact 2020 has had on the public’s attitude towards cars and auto travel. Though people still prefer driving over flying, that preference does not necessarily apply to all forms of auto travel equally.

Air vs. Car Travel
Data & Research

Air vs. Auto: A Glimpse into Post-Pandemic Traveling Trends

Throughout the last year, our mentality was forced to adapt as frequently as our daily lives, and as such, it is now proving difficult to predict what we’ll keep and what we’ll toss aside when the dust settles. Will the adjustments we begrudgingly made become habits? Will current attitudes seep into post-pandemic thinking?