Podcasts & Audio

Audio-Only or Video Feature: Which is best for your podcast?

If you’re anything like the majority of the population, consistently listening to a podcast has become part of your weekly or even daily routine. Even after a year of remote work and reimagined schedules, podcasts have seen unanticipated growth and popularity just within the past year. But with this growth comes the opportunity for development, such as video features.

short form video

Why Short Form Video Should Be Part of Your Content Strategy

If the success of Tik Tok has shown us anything, it’s that short form video content isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Implementing this type of content into your brand strategy gets your brand involved in a major industry trend that’s only expected to grow moving forward.


Why Video Storytelling is Taking Over

In a fast-paced digital world that relies on innovation, video is taking over as the new medium to replace traditional storytelling. These old techniques are being reimagined, and video storytelling is the new way to communicate with your audience.

Social Media

YouTube: The Unstoppable Social Channel

YouTube’s active subscriber count is 2.40 billion, only 84% of the number of Facebook users around the world. And yet, the results of a recent study conducted by the Pew Research Center suggest a redistribution of power between these competing social media platforms might be on the horizon.

Covid consumer in sights
Data & Research

8 Covid-19 Consumer Insights Every Shop Owner Needs to Know

We asked consumers to describe their auto service experiences during the last year. Based off their responses, we’ve compiled 8 consumer insights we think all dealership and repair shop owners need to know to survive phase two of the pandemic.

Data & Research

Car Ownership vs. Ride-Sharing: Investigating Shifts in Auto Travel Attitudes

Continuing our series on consumer responses to the pandemic, we now dive deeper into the impact 2020 has had on the public’s attitude towards cars and auto travel. Though people still prefer driving over flying, that preference does not necessarily apply to all forms of auto travel equally.

Air vs. Car Travel
Data & Research

Air vs. Auto: A Glimpse into Post-Pandemic Traveling Trends

Throughout the last year, our mentality was forced to adapt as frequently as our daily lives, and as such, it is now proving difficult to predict what we’ll keep and what we’ll toss aside when the dust settles. Will the adjustments we begrudgingly made become habits? Will current attitudes seep into post-pandemic thinking?

Connected TV

Shift from Traditional to Connected TV (CTV)

Content producers, even the traditional linear TV media giants, are pivoting their ad budgets to Connected TV because it is where viewers are increasingly spending their time. We all know that traditional television is supported by advertising dollars, so…what now?Â