web design

The Power of a Well-Designed Website 

Alyssa Schueller, a WordPress Website Support & Design Specialist at Babcox Media, explores web design strategies to enhance user interaction, boost conversions, and foster brand loyalty through positive user experiences.

User experience

Optimizing Your Site’s User Experience

Learn about the impact of site speed, mobile optimization, and Google’s Core Web Vitals on search rankings. Discover how a well-crafted website design aligns with business goals, engages users, and fosters lasting positive impressions. Don’t let outdated web practices hinder your success—embrace the power of user-centric design for a competitive edge in the digital landscape.


Visual Branding: Understanding Colors, Fonts and Visuals 

Research shows that the average consumer comes across five to ten thousand ads in a day. That means five to ten thousand different companies, brands, and services. What makes yours stand out? Effective use of colors, fonts and visuals can ensure that your brand is seen by your target audience. 


A BIG Brand Redesign 100 Years in the Making

As we approach our 100-year anniversary, we decided that the best way to celebrate this new era was by demonstrating our commitment to quality and innovation.