
Innovation Blog

What is Lean Content Marketing?

Content being divided into smaller portions and different platforms

Today, marketing your business online can be the driving force to getting new customers. The content you create can reach people you haven’t had the chance to, but it also takes a lot of planning and money to get effective materials. Your online presence can be the bridge that is needed between your business and a potential customer. They’re able to research your company before having to contact you. Social media is the new first impression. Having an active online presence can give a good impression and provide learning resource for a wandering buyer.
Keeping your content on a schedule, with a consistent, specific brand aesthetic can be one of the challenges you face when maintaining your online profiles. The best way to stay on task is to develop a team to keep your brand consistent. Even having one person to keep track of your profiles can make a huge difference. If you’re looking for a team, there are certain positions you should look out for:

  • Content Directors
  • Editors
  • Content Creators
  • Outsourced Writers

After you develop a team, mapping out the best way to reach your intended clientele should be the next step on your content creation journey. Finding out what your intended audience wants to see or hear can help you decide what to post and how you post it. Keeping your target audience in sight can also help to expand your reach as your material gets shared between similar groups and individuals.
When your content is ready to be shared with the public, you should make it is presented gradually to your consumers. Your content should go through phases when it comes to buyers. Your customers must take the steps from being aware of your brand to wanting to make purchases. Your content should be an at-hand guide to assist in those transitions.
Making content doesn’t mean making something new for every platform, it can mean making one piece of content and stretching it across multiple channels. Use the material you create to the best of its ability and let it interact with as many people as possible. A video you create can be shared across different platforms to reach different audiences. Along with using your current posts, you can always use your old content to create new content. Old blogs or articles can be transformed into educational posts.

Avery Lewis is a Social Media Intern at Babcox Media.

Contact Avery at alewis@babcox.com

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