
Innovation Blog

Bring Relevant Content to Life By Telling Your Story


Your story needs to be told. Here’s how to do it.

I am a sucker for a great story. I recently watched a documentary on Netflix about the extraordinary journeys of Rubik’s Cube-solving champions Max Park and Feliks Zemdegs.  For Max, who has autism, speed cubing was a way to help improve his fine motor skills, and as he began to enter competitions, it became a way of developing his social skills. Feliks became an idol for Max — so much so that Max’s father comments that Feliks was the first person Max ever asked for an autograph. At each competition, the two grew closer, and as they got to know each other better, the stronger their bond became. While rivals, they always remained supportive rather than overly competitive, even as they wound up facing off at the cubing World Championship again.

A couple weeks after watching the documentary, I was reviewing a resume for an intern candidate. Listed among his hobbies was Rubik’s Cube champion. My interest was piqued – I enjoyed the documentary and was excited to see if this candidate knew of this story. I called him immediately, and for the first 10 minutes he shared his experiences on the Cube Circuit, including his interactions with Feliks and Max.  I loved his story, his personality, and his excitement during our conversation, and today, he is helping our video team and working on some of our most important projects.

Everybody has a story – just some are more interesting, informative, and entertaining than others.  Having served in various roles in the media business for 20+ years, the greatest and most rewarding investment in my time is the knowledge gained reading a piece from someone who is an expert in what they do.  It’s a real gift – something I marvel at every day when I read the content from our editors and contributors in print and online, and now I see transferred into video content.  They can cut through the clutter and bring relevant content to life. 

Do you have a story to tell?  We want to hear what you have to say. With news and information now on a 24-hour cycle, the need to fill content channels has never been greater. Our editors are always on the lookout for great content.  Here is some of the ways you as an advertiser can get your story into the mailboxes, inboxes, and screens of our audiences.   

  1. Send Us Your Press Releases – When your company has new information to share, we need to know about it. If you wish to see your information in our e-newsletters or placed on our popular websites, we ask that you email the information to the attention of our editors for consideration.
  2. Give Us the Exclusive – Your press release offers “what” is happening with your company, but our audience is also interested in “why” it matters to them and “how” they can use the information to their advantage. Providing our brands with exclusive access to a key company executive or a technical expert as a resource can help differentiate your message in the marketplace. Babcox editors strive to provide our readers more detail and technical information, which helps to ensure people will be drawn into your message.
  3. Share Your Thought Leadership – Each September, our brands create an editorial content plan (editorial calendars) for the coming year.  The content planners are designed to help you plan your message to the market.  Routinely, our editorial team will reach out to our advertising partners to be included in articles or to submit non-commercial articles. If there is a topic of interest where you, your company, or an expert within your organization can be included and quoted as a subject matter expert or as the author of the article, we would like to hear from you. Or if you have a series of articles that could be included to help the industry with a specific problem or provides a specific solution, we need to talk. It is easy to get started now. Your favorite Babcox brand editor is anxious to get you into our magazines, on our websites, in our Enewsletters, on a podcast or video series and on our social media channels.  Let’s talk today!  

Randy Loeser is the Publisher/Executive Director of Content & Video at Babcox Media. Connect with Randy by email or call (330) 670-1234 ext. 285.

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