
Innovation Blog

Keep the Social Conversation Going

Illustration of ghost crossed out

Responding to your audience and letting them know that you’re listening is an important part of social media marketing. So, when your consumers start leaving comments, direct messages or even just reshare your media, it’s always great to give something back. How exactly do you want to respond though? The task might seem daunting, but it’s much easier than you think.


Comments are the easiest – and hardest – forms of social media responses. If someone leaves a great comment, it’s easy to respond, “Glad you liked it!” It’s the harsh comments that present a challenge. Outwardly crude ones usually aren’t worth the attention, but if your audience is having a civil discourse, join in! I’m sure your audience would love to hear what you have to say about it. Always answer questions in the comments as well. This can expand your platform to educate and inform.

Direct messages

Direct messages provide a valuable opportunity to interact with your audience in a one-on-one environment. Usually, direct messages are genuine questions regarding what your social page is about. Sometimes, the questions aren’t answerable or won’t be relevant to your page or brand. Feel free to direct them to another page or just alert them that your brand doesn’t specialize in that.

When going through your direct messages, be on the lookout for spam. Never click on a link that’s sent via a DM, and avoid engaging with accounts that seem like they might be up to no good.


The protocol when someone reshares your content is simple: Go ahead and give that reshare a like! You also can leave a thank-you comment. Reshares are one of the most helpful tools for expanding the reach of your content. Don’t be afraid to thank those people for spreading your message!

Engaging with your audience can grow engagement and build loyalty. You want your audience to trust you enough to ask questions about your page. After all, what’s more important than your audience?

Avery Lewis is a Social Media Intern at Babcox Media.

Contact Avery at alewis@babcox.com

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