
Innovation Blog

Engaging With Followers

So, you’ve built a community online, but how do you keep it? People like being a part of something, but if you’re a part of a smaller brand, they also like to be heard. You have to continue engaging with your audience as your pages grow. 

Don’t get me wrong, you can’t engage with everybody 100% of the time. There are trolls and hackers waiting for you to slip, so that they can steal your information or communicate with your following. You have to be careful, but you also should engage with those who seem intrigued with your page.

If people love your content, show appreciation for that. When people leave kind comment/ posts, make sure to thank them and acknowledge their support. The best part of having a smaller page is that you get to see all the support you get. You won’t be able to engage as well once you get bigger!

“Thank you so much!”
“Appreciate your support!”
“Glad you enjoyed.”

It’s great when people love your content, but not everyone is going to be a fan all of the time.  What do you do when you get criticism? Listen to it! There are people out there who feel comfortable sharing their thoughts on the internet and if they’re giving constructive, emphasis on constructive, feedback on what they’d like to see more, or instead, on your platforms, then maybe it’s worth trying out. We can’t always look at negative comments as something to tear us apart, sometimes they can be something that helps us grow. 

“We’ll have to try that out!”
“Thank you for the feedback.”
“What would you like to see more of?”

Just remember to make your online following a community. Communication is what makes the big wide world of social media go around. Without followers you have no presence for your brand, so make sure to engage with those who make it possible!

Avery Lewis is a Social Media Intern at Babcox Media.

Contact Avery at alewis@babcox.com

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