
Innovation Blog

Best-In-Class Digital Journalism

Illustration showing digital journalism

Traditional journalism used to be a one-way process. Today, with digital integration, journalism is interactive and allows for discussion and further debate among readers and viewers. In comparison to the way content was distributed in previous decades, readers now get to choose how they want to consume their media.

Here at Babcox Media, we’re continually coming up with various ways to maintain our audience’s engagement. If there’s a story to be told – whether it is personal or technical – we determine the best way to share it.

It has become increasingly important to include the use of digital content in our strategies, given the online world we live in today. Multimedia content can help capture your audience’s attention and increase the likelihood of them engaging with your content.

Digital tools have also helped us when we’re at the drawing board. To track and monitor trending stories and topics, we utilize hashtags to find audiences that are already interested in the topic and are writing about it themselves, whether that’s on their personal blogs or social media.

I was recently assigned to cover an important topic surrounding our industry, the technician shortage. When the topic was presented to me, my team and I knew we couldn’t just compile a print piece and call it a day. We knew in order to be best-in-class digital journalists, the story needed to be packaged into different mediums to keep all of our viewers engaged and to fully capture the story being told.

As digital journalists, our job is to provide all levels of society with a voice so that a complete picture is being presented to the public and open dialogue can occur.

Although the pandemic put a large pause on in-person interviews, applications like Zoom made it possible to have those important conversations. Interviews are a cornerstone of video storytelling because they provide emotion, content and structure. By replacing more transactional phone calls and allowing for body language and facial expressions, video has made it easier for interviewees to have more vibrant and lively conversations. Capabilities like “audio only” saving within the platform also opens doors for podcast production. With a digital-first mindset in this technology-laden world, the options are limitless.

As readership evolves and our markets continue to change, it’s important to embrace digital journalism and all of its changes, and to follow, not fear it. Utilize digital journalism to share stories that matter, and you’ll always be best-in-class.

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Nadine Battah is the Associate Editor of Brake & Front End, Underhood Service, ImportCar and ShopOwner brands

Contact Nadine at [email protected]

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