
Innovation Blog

Are You Utilizing Video in Your Content Strategy?

Love for video content

Keeping our audience engaged and informed is one of our core values for the ShopOwner brands. Providing expert business management advice and analysis, technical how-to information and the latest product and industry news is what we do here. But how we do it is what gives us the most success.

It has become incredibly important to include the use of multimedia content in your strategies in the online world we live in today. Multimedia content can help capture your audience’s attention and increase the possibility of them engaging.  One key we like to follow with our multimedia creation is that it should be original. While stock photography can serve a purpose, original multimedia content often gives much stronger results.

One specific medium we particularly enjoy is video. Video builds trust and legitimacy with your audience. It creates three-dimensional, intimate brand awareness. You can also use video to efficiently convey large amounts of information quickly. Your brand can also use video to drive purchase action and stimulate post-purchase customer engagement. Possibly most importantly, online videos can be made relatively quickly and inexpensively. Keep in mind, your audience is not exactly sensitive to production quality; they’re looking for substance over form.

Not only does video content get more engagement than other content types, but it also usually sticks around for longer. A quality video posted in 2018 can still pop up in the first pages of your google searches in 2022, or on multiple peoples discover pages for months at a time on apps like Instagram or TikTok. Producing quality video content may be more time consuming than taking a photograph, but once complete, you can use it to reach different audiences across multiple platforms.

It’s also important to note that videos drive more traffic to your website and are fantastic for SEO. A video can bring as much benefit to your site regarding SEO as multiple articles would. In a study conducted by the Abedeen Group, they concluded that B2B companies using video saw 41% more web traffic from search than non-video users.

Why? It’s natural. Our eyes are attracted to movement and the movement that the videos produce naturally draws and pulls people’s attention in. We don’t want to just grab our viewers’ attention though; we want to keep it. Videos are one of the most engaging mediums we can use to achieve this.

In the aftermarket industry, we can expect DIYers to be a large majority of our viewers along with certified technicians and shop owners. As it relates to the DIYers, they are using the internet all the time for their work. Put yourself in their shoes, would you rather spend 15 minutes reading a blog post or 2-3 minutes watching a video on the same subject?

Today’s smartphone-carrying consumers turn to online video for entertainment and information. If you’ve logged into any social media platform recently, you might have noticed video content within the first 10 seconds of your scrolling. One of the reasons why this happens is because video content typically performs best with most algorithms, based on the fact it captures a viewer’s attention for longer.

Here’s the bottom line, no matter your business model, the usefulness of a social media or a website — including multimedia content will help you gather a larger audience. Utilizing video content, will keep them engaged.

Nadine Battah is the Associate Editor of Brake & Front End, Underhood Service, ImportCar and ShopOwner brands

Contact Nadine at [email protected]

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