
Innovation Blog

How to Deliver Your Message and Connect with Customers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

A woman sitting at a desk looking at her laptop. A cat looking out the window in the background.

As the uncertainty around the coronavirus virus pandemic increases, many public events are being canceled in an attempt to limit large gatherings of people and the possible spread of the disease. Many conferences and industry events are being postponed and companies are limiting travel and opting to allow employees to work from home to assist in mitigating the spread.

Tradeshows, face-to-face meetings, and events are typical strategies used to connect with clients, recruit new customers, and increase brand awareness, but we are seeing companies temporarily shift away from these tactics in extremely creative and innovative ways.

Here are just a few of the many ways you can remotely connect with customers and deliver your message:

Host a Webinar

Webinars are a great way to educate people about your product line, discuss industry trends, or provide product demos for new customers. It’s a zero-risk tactic to gather a large group and have their undivided attention. Via chat, attendees can ask questions and interact with each other, just as they would at a tradeshow booth or networking event.

Send an Email Campaign

As companies establish work-from-home directives, people will be spending increased time communicating via email. Put your message in their inbox by scheduling an email campaign. A drip campaign allows you to deliver your message and follow-up with recipients based on how they engage with your content.

Deliver Relevant Ads via Topical Targeting

Similar to increased communication via email, people will be spending more time on mobile devices. Topical targeting is a tactic used to deliver ads to consumers identified as engaged with particular topics. For example, if a person reads an article about brake pads or watches a video on brake maintenance, the next time they visit the site, they will be served an ad from Brake Company A. (See three ways to utilize topical targeting here)

Babcox Innovation Group is here to help. We are working harder than ever to keep our teams engaged and safe and we’re confident that our industry and our country will persevere.

We can help craft a message and deliver it to the folks you were hoping to reach at a trade show using our lists of highly targeted event attendees and engaged readers. We can assist in telling your company’s story, product or service, as well as present a more broad strategy to help with a product announcement.

Let’s talk (remotely, of course 😉).

Kelsey Mayer joined Babcox Media in 2019 as Email Marketing Specialist and is now Digital Marketing & Audience Manager. She has a background in digital marketing, social media management, and event planning. Kelsey is a 2013 graduate of The Ohio State University. Connect with Kelsey on LinkedIn, Twitter, or by email.

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