
Innovation Blog

The BIG READ (and View and Listen)-11/27/19

In this edition of the BIG READ (and View and Listen), Email Marketing Specialist Kelsey Mayer lists random things our team is reading, watching, and writing about that can help you navigate your marketing journey.

Kelsey’s BIG READ:

  • A fresh perspective is always helpful when it comes to marketing strategy, especially from the experts themselves. Check out this list of 20 Women in Marketing to Follow in 2019.
  • Marketers are usually focused on getting buy-in from their potential customers, but getting internal acceptance is the first step. Marketing Showrunners compares the process to getting someone to drink a green smoothie in this article
  • According to Accenture, 62% of consumers want companies to stand up for the issues they are passionate about and 66% of consumers think transparency is one of a brand’s most attractive qualities. This interview with Patagonia’s Director of Global Communications and Public Relations and VP of Environmental Activism is a great look into brand purpose.

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