
Innovation Blog

The BIG Read (and Listen and View) – 10/11/2019

In this edition of the BIG READ, Group Publisher Randy Loeser and Marketing Specialist Kelsey Mayer list the random things they are reading, watching, and writing about that can help you navigate your marketing journey.

Randy’s BIG Read suggestions:

  • Sometimes common sense is not so common. That’s why this column from Tomorrow’s Technician editor Carley Millhone to her student readers is a great reminder to all of us about thinking before posting to social media.  
  • I’ve been a licensed basketball referee for 15 years and no call is harder to officiate than the “block-charge” call.  It’s usually a call that can go either way, and always gets a reaction.  It’s the same strategy former NBA and Kentucky legend Rex Chapman uses when posting videos to his twitter account with the simple 3-word question “block or charge” to create dialogue with his followers. The videos are usually funny, and most of the time he finds that one piece of video content that creates an emotional connection and response. His account is a must follow and his story of redemption is a must read.  Check out this article from earlier this year about his posts.
  • There once was a time when my kids would repeat a line or jingle from a commercial they saw on TV and I thought it was funny.  However, as my boys are getting older, they seem to be seizing on asking questions about the content from commercials that make me more uncomfortable and not overly anxious to answer. Questions like “dad, who is the Trojan Man?”  Or “why do these guys take a blue pill if could lead to a heart attack?” This article on how our TV’s are actually watching us and the future of how programs and ads will be served based on our personal preferences may be the guarantee that I only answer questions about lawnmowers and baseball bats while watching TV with my kinds in the future.  Will there actually be a time where I will only see ads that I am interested in? 

Kelsey’s BIG Read suggestions:

  • Continuing with the Netflix theme, check out this piece, Luck isn’t about chance—it’s about preparation, by Netflix co-founder Marc Randolph. He explains that crediting our success to luck does not belittle hard work, but highlights the preparation put into an opportunity.
  • Marketing campaigns aren’t always about selling a product. Fair Trade USA’s #JustOneCup campaign reminded me they can raise crucial awareness as well. The campaign emphasizes the dire importance of the Fair Trade Minimum Price for producers.
  • Burger King recently launched a campaign in Argentina called a ‘Day Without Whopper’ where it refused to sell The Whopper, their top-selling product, for 24 hours. Their goal was to direct customers to McDonald’s in support of their annual fundraising campaign, which donates $2 to Children With Cancer for every Big Mac and signature burger that they sell. Check out this article outlining the campaign (and pictures of The King ordering a Big Mac).

Randy Loeser is the Publisher/Executive Director of Content & Video at Babcox Media. Connect with Randy by email or call (330) 670-1234 ext. 285.

Kelsey Mayer joined Babcox Media in 2019 as Email Marketing Specialist and is now Digital Marketing & Audience Manager. She has a background in digital marketing, social media management, and event planning. Kelsey is a 2013 graduate of The Ohio State University. Connect with Kelsey on LinkedIn, Twitter, or by email.

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